Dawley’s Sol-Duc River Campground
Sol Duc River Fish Hatchery
The Sol Duc River represents one of most highly valued river systems in the state. It provides quality habitat for most species of salmon and steelhead. Runs of native steelhead are healthy enough to support limited wild fish retention by non‐tribal sportfishers.
In the most recent Salmon Stock Inventory (SaSI) report, all of the salmon runs evaluated were rated as healthy. Healthy status was assigned to the following salmon runs in the Sol Duc River system: fall Chinook, fall and summer coho, and winter steelhead.

Small numbers of pink salmon have also been documented. Spawning by salmon species occurs in various river segments of the Sol Duc system. Winter and summer steelhead spawn throughout the mainstem and in many major tributaries.
Fall coho spawn in the mainstem above RM 39.8 (SOL DUC 80), and many of the tributaries. Fall Chinook spawn downstream of RM 44.5 (Camp Creek) and in lower CAMP. A non‐native hatchery run of spring Chinook spawns naturally in the mainstem. Sockeye are present in the mainstem and summer Chinook have been reported as well. Fall chum are found up to the Bear Creek confluence. Salmon and steelhead habitat stops at Sol Duc Falls.